WDR, 2014, 90 min.
Alfred Biolek is one of the last living doyens of German television. For decades he presented personal biographies with unparalleled wit, charm and tact, but most of all with an unbridled interest in human beings and their stories. He hosted numerous talk shows and entertainment programmes; he was the first ever television chef; and he became a favourite among audiences of all ages, eventually emerging as the grand seigneur of German TV entertainment.
To commemorate his 80th birthday, Alfred Biolek opened his doors to the film’s authors for a 90-minute portrait. “Mensch, Bio!” focuses first and foremost on Biolek the private individual, whose own life story is told on screen for the first time. Thanks to the bond of trust that developed over many years between Biolek and the authors, the television star provides some surprising insights into his personal life. Biolek’s family and his closest friends, little known to the wider public before now, give the film a very personal touch.
Written and directed by: Sandra Maischberger, Hendrik Fritzler
Camera: Jan Kerhart, Stefan Paul
Sound: Ole Fensky, Claas de Buhr
Editing: Peter Klum
Production: Sabine Döring, Melanie Heilig
Producer: Matthias Martens