German hospitals are facing a shortage of midwives. More and more women are handing in their notice in response to poor working conditions. As a result, pregnant women are having to be turned away and delivery rooms are being shut down. This despite a rising birth rate. Working at a Hamburg hospital, the midwife Maria Preßentin nevertheless tries to offer women calm and caring support during childbirth. Not always an easy task. This is why the midwife Susanne Lohmann only works on a freelance basis nowadays, looking after women and infants in their homes. Here too, midwives are in short supply, because postnatal care is poorly paid and difficult to plan. Susanne Lohmann is seeking a political solution. She believes that the practice of midwifery in Germany needs to be fundamentally reorganised.

Director: Antje Büll
Editorial team: Kathrin Bronnert
Producer: Nadja Frenz
Production company: Vincent TV