Hezbollah, the Shiite “Party of God”, is becoming more and more powerful. In its home country, Lebanon, it is now a state within a state, relying on the might of its weapons. The Sunni prime minister, Saad Hariri, depends on the goodwill of Hezbollah, which is represented by two ministers within the government of Lebanon. The Hezbollah militias are now fighting in all the conflicts in the region – their fighters also helped Syria’s dictator Assad to remain in power. Israel considers Hezbollah to be the extended arm of Iran, its greatest enemy. The danger of an armed conflict is growing – not least in the face of an escalation of the tensions between the US and Iran.
Director: Michael Richter
Editorial team: Kathrin Bronnert
Executive producer: Nadja Frenz
Producer: Sandra Maischberger
Production company: VINCENT PRODUCTIONS for NDR / ARTE